The Healthy Hearts
Daksh (1.3 yrs), Milan (3 months) & Meet (3 months)
Chaya Thapa, Mother; Chavi Thapa, Father

Residing in the cantonment area of Dehradun is the family whose ancestors were from Nepal. Chaya, a former teacher, currently a homemaker, lives with her husband Chavi, a bank employee, with her three children. They live in a 4-bedroom independent house with a rescued dog. Their relatives live nearby. Their house is filled with colourful lights, ancestral photos and children’s photo collages. They have an outside courtyard veranda where Daksh plays with his cycle, plants and dog. The parents share the responsibility of caregiving. Both of them follow a routine that helps them take care of their three children with ease; where Chavi helps out with cooking and feeding before leaving for the office and lets Chaya take a break as he takes Daksh out to play in the evening after coming back from the office etc.

Responsive Caregiving Moments

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Catch and Throw with Dad

Daksh sat in the middle of the staircase, tossing a ball to his father, who stood below

Daksh and Laphing

Daksh’s mom prepared homemade laphing, a cold mung bean noodle pancake-type dish popular in Tibetan cuisine.

Daksh Has New Things to See

Daksh's father took him outside the house to play as usual.

Daksh’s Call Time

“Hello! Hello!” repeated Daksh, who was busy talking on his imaginary phone.

Mom’s Lipstick

He quickly went and took his mother’s red lipstick from her drawer and walked around the house, trying to apply the lipstick.

Playtime with Mom

Daksh was blowing his little pink horn, “ Pi! Pi! Pi!”...The loud sound filled the room, causing his mother to cover her ears

Massage time

Daksh waited for his turn, drinking his juice while his parents massaged his siblings.

The Loving Elder Brother

Daksh took his mother’s dupatta and wiped his sibling's runny nose.

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